Friday, November 21, 2008


INFORMATION ON BATCH FILESBATCH FILE ABCsBatch files are programs that allow MS-DOS and Windows users to create a file to perform a long tasks fast. Such as opening certain programs ran frequently, deleting or managing files, etc. Simple batch files do not require any special programming skills and usually can be done by knowing the below commands and...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Remove Autorun Virus : Simple Approach

Make following FILES in your Desktop, be sure of the extensions. Now when you insert your removable drive. Just don't open it.Select these all files -> Right Click -> Send To -> Removable Drive Letter.Replace Files ? Dialog May Appear if your removable drive is infected by virus.autorun.batautorun.binAutorun.exeAutorun.icoAUTORUN.INFAutorun.iniautorun.regautorun.srmautorun.txtautorun.vbsautorun.wshautorun.zipAutorun.~exbittorrent.exeMFC32DLL.dll.vbsms32.dll.vbsMS32DLL.dll.vbsmsvcr71.dllRavMon.exesal.xls.exeThe virus files would be replaced by these 0 Bytes files....