Make following FILES in your Desktop, be sure of the extensions. Now when you insert your removable drive. Just don't open it.Select these all files -> Right Click -> Send To -> Removable Drive Letter.Replace Files ? Dialog May Appear if your removable drive is infected by virus.autorun.batautorun.binAutorun.exeAutorun.icoAUTORUN.INFAutorun.iniautorun.regautorun.srmautorun.txtautorun.vbsautorun.wshautorun.zipAutorun.~exbittorrent.exeMFC32DLL.dll.vbsms32.dll.vbsMS32DLL.dll.vbsmsvcr71.dllRavMon.exesal.xls.exeThe virus files would be replaced by these 0 Bytes files....