Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello World - PyroCMS Module

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update 10/16/2011:This tutorial has been here for older version (< 1.0.x) of PyroCMS. Latest Stable PyroCMS release is v1.3.2Please download and use following tutorial files which are for PyroCMS 1.3.2:PyroCMS Hello World Module tutorial pdf for v1.3.2Download Sample Hello World Module PyroCMS 1.3.2Pyro docs have been significantly improved over the year. You can refer it too. If you...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lorem Ipsum को कथा

Do you design, be it graphics or web design? or any other form of design type settings? Have you ever used Lorem Ipsum? What is your experience using Lorem Ipsum when designing for Nepali Unicode content?   "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nepal In - PHP Arrays

What is Nepal in PHP Arrays - Project ?   Are you a PHP developer in Nepal ? or do you use MySQL in your projects. How many of you have easier access to the places & cities of Nepal in simpler arrays, that can be taken for reference and used. I am currently involved in a project...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

CodeIgniter Helpers – How to write your own?

Find yourself again and again doing CI or are you just getting started in to your next big project ? Get this book by Rob Foster. This is an easy-to-follow guide consisting of a number of projects that enable you to develop full-featured applications at a fast pace. CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints What is here:         -> What is...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello World – CodeIgniter Model – A Simple Bookmark Manager

Continued from Hello World – CodeIgniter! I’ve been a bit busy with my development works. Talking about codeigniter,i will discuss today on how we can use it to access MySql database, insert data into tables, retrieve and display them, at times delete them. We’ll create a very simple Bookmark Manager App (just for the sake of understanding models...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Social Network Database Design Sample - MySQL

what?------ sample database for a social network project – a mysql database schema Database Engine: InnoDB (edit the mwb file if you need to change it to MyISAM or any other.) the aspects of a social network i tried to cover in this database:- user profile - friends- friends list - status updates- thumbs up/down status (these can...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blogger Post & Comment Feed URLs

Recent Posts RSS feed url Recent Comments RSS feed url Label Specific Feed url -> yourBlogAddress with your actual blogger address.Replace -> labelname with your labelHope That Helps. ...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello World – CodeIgniter!

So you decided to learn CodeIgniter PHP MVC Framework. I am too starting with it and planning to post a series of introductory tutorials on it. Here i go with – Hello World example in CodeIgniter. Install Code Igniter Download CodeIgniter copy form the above site. The version i am using is 1.7.2I assume you have setup...