Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PyroCMS Themes, Widgets and Modules - for reference.

Themes :https://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_theme_artificial_castinghttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_theme_blue_spadeshttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_theme_business_timehttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_theme_coffeehttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_theme_eco_designhttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_theme_night_clubPyroCMS v1.3.2 Theming Guide for beginners:http://echo.semicolondev.com/2011/11/hot-to-create-pyrocms-v132-theme-step.htmlPyroCMS Tag Cheat Sheet Widgetshttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_widget_categoryhttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_widget_login_boxhttps://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_widget_selected_category_postsPyroCMS v1.3.2 Widget creation guide for beginnershttp://echo.semicolondev.com/2011/11/how-to-create-pyrocms-v132-widgets.htmlModules:Hello World Module https://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_module_helloOld 0.9.9.x Forum module upgraded to v1.3.2 https://github.com/semicolondevelopers/pyro_module_forumsPyroCMS v1.3.2 & v0.9.9.7 Module Creation guide for beginners:http://bhu1st.blogspot.com/2010/09/hello-world-pyrocms-module.html ...

Monday, November 7, 2011

नेपाली ब्लगरहरुलाई छोटो मीठो सल्लाह

Quick SEO tip for Nepali (Unicode) Bloggers Here goes, one quick SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tip for Nepali Bloggers who use Blogger.com to publish their content written in Nepali Unicode. What I’m talking about ? Say: your blog post title is “मेरो नेपाल” You publish it. Now blogger gives you one random “url/permalink” to your post which looks...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Android SDK and AVD Manager slow download problem

I was Installing the Android SDK (http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html) on my Windows XP box.Problem : Slow download of android SDK platforms ~5kb/s Android SDK and AVD Manager Stalling During Download : Google Groups Android sdk download/update failing : Stack OverflowHow to speed up Android SDK platform download ?1. Allow download over http : check the option in Settings section of...

Monday, March 7, 2011

PHP Short Tag : Avoid Them

PHP Short Tag:  it  look like this: <?   ?> <?= $var ?> obvious ones: <?php  ?> <?php echo $var ?>. I downloaded an open source php script, thinking to work it out for my own purpose – but what sucks is - the project uses short tag that my host doesn’t *seems* to provide support for. For the...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wordpress Themes / Templates - Useful Codes

Here are few fairly basic but handy wordpress codes that a wordpress theme or template developer/designers could use as reference. i personally use these a lot while working with wordpress.   Wordpress Site Name: <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>   Wordpress Site Description: <?php bloginfo('description'); ?>   Wordopress: Home Page Link: <a href="<?php get_option('home'); ?>">Home</a></p> or <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a>...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hello World – Ruby on Rails

None of tutorials i found around web helped me get straight to the Ruby on Rails development environment in Windows. that’s why i thought would sum up how i setup rails in my Windows XP Professional box. Yet, this was amusing (from Ruby on Rails Getting Started Guide) If you’re working on Windows, you should be aware that...

Friday, January 14, 2011

7th National ICT Student & Youth Conference – My Paper Abstract

Event 7th National ICT Student & Youth Conference Date: 15th January 2011, (Saturday) Venue: Local Development training Center, Jawlakhel, Lalitpur Time: 9:00 A.M – 4:00 pm Organized By: Information technology Society, Nepal (ITSN) Conference Theme: Youths on collaborative development Conference Tracks: Recent Trends in IT for Rural Developments Smart Data Policy IT Security Electronic Document Management Future Information...